Today I had the pleasure of attending a dynamic event hosted by Melanie Marie, called Mamas In Business. I took copious notes, its the teacher in me, and here are some of the words of wisdom from the Mompreneurs.
When selecting a partner the goal is to find someone who goes as hard as you, someone you can trust to delegate to. ~Marjorie
Take your time when looking for a partner. It must be someone who shares your vision and work ethic. Having a teammate makes it a little easier. ~Michelle
Measuring Success
Success is relative. Give yourself goals per quarter/per year for success. Be a woman of your word. Be diligent. You are only as good as the work you put in.~Tricia
A measure of success is not funds in the bank, but how impressed I am of myself at the end of the day. Demand respect for what you want. I don't want to be, I want to do. ~Marjorie
Success is seeing any vision through. Remember Instagram is produced content. As long as you keep stepping forward, that is success. Be genuine and kind. ~Misa
Do your own personal best. ~Michelle
Always try to outdo yourself. ~Tricia
Balance Working Mamas
I do not believe in the term "Stay At Home Mom". My son needs to see my ambition. I think we are all goddesses. Its okay to take the day off. We are doing a lot. ~Mashonda
Balance is important. Having a support system is important. My children got to see me grow up and evolve. ~Misa
You have to give 100% to work and 100% to being a Mom. ~Mariam
Your happiness is key. Live for you. Stand firm in faith. ~Tricia
When you want it, you will figure it out. ~Majorie
Raising 'Dem Babies
Develop a system for your kids. {Create boundaries without guilt.} Don't try to be the "perfect" mother. Design your life. Feed life into your children. Put them in positions to excel. Find them a mentor. Be patient with them. Be in the moment and be present. ~Misa
You have to be present for your kids. ~Marjorie
Our children come to teach us who we are to be. Children are our soul equals in smaller bodies. ~Mashonda
You have to believe as a woman in business you can do both. ~Michelle
Don't burn any bridges as you transition into entrepreneurship full time. ~Mashonda
Relationships with Significant Other
Create a balance in the relationship, communicate what your needs are. ~Misa
A Large Following
I have such a large following because of happy customers. Always be a perfectionist. There is enough business for everyone. When you focus on yourself you can become a trendsetter. Focus on yourself. ~Mariam
Never let anyone out work you. No one should deter you from your path. You are not going to be successful unless you take the risk. Fortune favors the bold. ~Tricia
When you have a passion project (e.g. taking a class or interning), there is no ego attached to it. ~Mashonda
Advise to Younger Self
Make sure your credit is straight. ~Tricia
Listen to your gut. ~Marjorie
You can't make everyone happy. ~Miriam
Always take care of yourself. You are worthy. ~Misa
Everything you need is already inside of you. ~Mashonda
Don't judge yourself by your failures. ~Michelle
Everything happens for a reason. ~Melanie
The overall sentiment of the day was being a Mompreneur is hard work. There will be great days and there will be hard days. It's not glamorous work, but it truly is fulfilling when you are living in your purpose.
If you know me you know I am always busy. I have a very stressful "day job" as an Assistant Principal in a NYC public school, I am a mama of three littles under the age of six, I am a wife, daughter, big sister, friend, and small business owner. I experience cray, cray on a daily basis! I have a meltdown at least once a week. While some women carry a makeup case and designer sunglasses in their handbags, I have my men's Coach back pack filled with two agenda books, a bottle of stress reliever essential oil blend, two iPhones, and my iMac. A typical day for me begins at 4:20am and ends when ever I can close all the open tabs on my computer.
A Typical Day In My Life
Monday through Friday my alarm goes off at 4:20am. I turn it off and turn over to nurse my little one who wakes with me. By 4:45am I'm out the bed and headed to the bathroom.
Between 5:00 and 6:00am I have made breakfast for myself, made my baby goddesses and myself lunch, checked my social media accounts, and responded to work emails. {On days when I haven't pumped enough the prior day I pull out the electric pump while assembling lunches.}
***Most Thursday and Friday's I am out the house by 5:30am so I can make my weekend deliveries. I have begun this to alleviate rush hour traffic deliveries in the evening.
Between 6:15-7:30am I am commuting from NJ to NYC. I am on the clock at work from 7:30 to 3:45pm. I FaceTime my baby goddesses at 7:45am. Chat with D on his way to work and talk or text with my Mama.
I take my lunch hour {when I get one} to answer emails, return phone calls/texts/DMs, and check social media for Petite Seats. I have also been slowly editing my business plan for a new venture.
3:45-5:00pm I am back in the car commuting home from work while I pump for the baby to have milk for the next day.
5:15pm I return home and jump right into Mommy mode. The first hour of me getting home I am nursing, making dinner, and asking the girls about their day. On a good day D will suggest we go out to eat, this happens A LOT.
6:30-7:30pm D or I do a lesson with the girls, eat dinner, have dessert, bath time, then put the girls down for bed.
7:30-9:00pm Girls are asleep. D and I catch up most likely with one of us falling asleep.
Now throw in quick runs to Trader Joe's, storage pick ups, and evening deliveries. I am constantly ON 100. But with D as my partner, I am able to be the overly ambitious, Boss Chick.
Tricia Smith Brown sharing her journey and words of wisdom.